
Adularia Quartz

Posted by Magickal Bear

Adularia Quartz

Do you struggle to open yourself up to the universe's clarity and illumination? Are your emotions unbalanced? Or maybe you’re looking to enhance or connect to your intuition? If so, Adularia Quartz is the perfect stone for you!

This stone is excellent for people who need a little extra help with perceiving the things that aren’t entirely obvious. This is because it is often tied to the crown chakra which is known  for its connection to the divine, universal consciousness, enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and the higher self. For similar reasons, this Quartz is also tied to the third eye chakra due to it having similar spiritual meanings of intuition, perception, and vision.

Adularia Quartz tends to have a special connection to the zodiac signs of Cancer, Libra, and Pisces. Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac and is represented by a crab. Then, Libra ranks in as the seventh astrological sign and is represented by the scale of justice. Finally, Pisces is the twelfth and final sign in the zodiac and is represented by two fish swimming apart in a ying yang sort of style.

In Spirituality, the element of water is often associated with healing and rejuvenating energies. Water is also viewed as the element of life because of how all living things rely on it to survive. Wind is also associated with Adularia Quartz because of how it is seen to have intuitive and psychic qualities.

The planet that's mostly associated with Adularia Quartz is the moon. The Moon is generally seen as a symbol of femininity that represents the passage of time, eternity, and enlightenment. This makes more sense when you realize that Adularia Quartz is a form of Moonstone.

Obviously with Adularia Quartz being a variety of Moonstone, the clarifying and protective qualities pair perfectly with this stone. The same thing goes for Labradorite which is also very similar to Moonstone, just darker with its magical and protective qualities. However, if you're looking for some more color variety, have no fear as Amethyst is another great choice and is also known for its protective and purifying abilities!

Adularia Quartz is a Potassium Aluminum Silicate that ranges in color from clear to a milky white. Although, sometimes you will find that the stone has a slight pink hue to it. As you may have guessed from the color descriptions, this stone can be transparent and translucent sometimes all in one specimen! Adularia comes to a 6 to a 6.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale. Its chemical composition is KAlSi3O8 with a monoclinic crystal system.

Adularia Quartz is often associated with the Adula Group of the Lepontine Alps in Switzerland, but it can also be found in various locations worldwide, including the United States, Russia, and Madagascar.

As you can see, Adularia Quartz is an incredibly beneficial stone to have around especially for those who are wishing to enhance their psychic abilities. 


  • Illumination
  • Emotional Balance
  • Intuition Enhancement

Metaphysical Stats:

  • Chakras: Crown, Third Eye
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Pisces
  • Element: Water, Wind
  • Planet: Moon
  • Crystal Pairings: Moonstone, Amethyst, Labradorite

Science Stats: 

  • Type: Potassium Aluminum Silicate
  • Color: Clear, White, Greenish/Grayish, Yellow, Pink
  • Mohs Score: 6-6.5
  • Chemical Formula: KAISi₃O₈
  • Crystal System: Monoclinic
  • Clarity: Transparent/Translucent
  • Origin: Switzerland, United States, Russia, and Madagascar

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