Chakra Series: Crown Chakra
Posted by Magickal Bear

The crown chakra, also known as the Sahasrara in Sanskrit is the seventh chakra in the body's energy system. This chakra is typically viewed as the center of spiritual connection, enlightenment, and divine consciousness. It works as a gateway to higher knowledge and helps us embrace unity. It is located at the top of the head, as a white or purple light. It is represented as a lotus flower with many petals that symbolizes infinity, although some believe it to have a set number, being around a thousand.
When the crown chakra is balanced, it allows us to have purpose, be aware, wise, able to perceive the world beyond ourselves, detach from our egos, and place trust in the universe. An imbalanced chakra can manifest itself in two different ways, either being underactive or overactive. An underactive chakra can lead you to feeling disconnected from spirituality, having a lack of creativity, being unsure of your purpose, close mindedness, and being stressed. Meanwhile, an overactive chakra can lead to an obsession with the spiritual, losing touch with reality, neglecting your basic needs, and feeling superior because of spirituality.
Crystals are beneficial tools that can be used to aid the chakra with many things including rebalancing. Stones like Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, and Lepidolite are all great for this. Similarly, essential oils can also have the same effects, scents like Frankincense, Lavender, Sandalwood, and Rose are all beneficial.
Meditation is a good way to clear the chakras, this can be done by visualizing a white or purple light at the top of your head that is constantly expanding outwards. It is good to focus on deep breathing and trying to detach from your worries. Yoga is another similar way to help clear the chakras. Poses like the headstand; sirsasana, lotus pose; padmasana, and the corpse pose; savasana. You can also add affirmations to both of these practices to strengthen the effects. Phrases like “I am connected to divine wisdom and universal truth.”, “I trust in the universe and embrace my higher purpose.”, “I am open to divine love, light, and guidance.”, and “I am one with all that exists.”
Eating foods that are associated with this chakra and its colors can also have positive effects. This could include foods like eggplants, grapes, cauliflower, onions, teas, fruits, coconut water, and pure water.
As you can see, there are many ways to clear and balance the third eye chakra. This in turn allows us to connect ourselves to the infinite nature of the universe. Once you take action to clear it, you can reach a state of enlightenment that allows you to advance farther into your spiritual journey.