Chakra Series: Solar Plexus
Posted by Magickal Bear

The solar plexus chakra or as it is known in Sanskrit, the manipura, is the third chakra in our body's system. This chakra is symbolized by a downward pointing triangle that is located in the abdomen in between the navel and the ribcage. Due to where this chakra is located, it is often associated with the digestive system, adrenal glands, and the pancreas. It is also typically associated with the color yellow and is considered the center of personal power, self-esteem, confidence, willpower, and the element of fire.
When the solar plexus chakra is balanced we feel empowered, assertive, and confident. We believe in ourselves and our abilities to accomplish anything we put our minds to. However, when this chakra is unbalanced we face issues such as low self-esteem, lack confidence, face indecision, experience digestive issues, and even feel powerless. This can be a catalyst for developing a victim complex. There is also a possibility that the chakra can be overactive which causes aggression, dominance, and feeling the need to control others.
One way to heal this chakra is through crystals. For an unbalanced or blocked chakra, Topaz or Yellow Tourmaline would be the best. If it is overactive, Sapphire and Emerald can help with neutralizing it. However, if you’re just looking for some general balance, Citrine is a good option. Incense or essential oils can also help you balance your chakra. Scents of Juniper, Geranium, Rosemary, and Clary Sage work the best.
Yoga and Meditations can also work to heal the solar plexus chakra. The Camel pose, also known as the Ustrasana in yoga, is good for aiding this chakra. Meditations can then aid this chakra by reprogramming your mind to focus on self-confidence and empowerment. During these activities it could be beneficial to use affirmations to help reprogram your mind. An example of an affirmation could be, “I am confident in myself and my abilities.”
You could also use the color theory approach, this works because each chakra has an associated color that can be used to unblock and heal it. Since the solar plexus’s chakra is yellow, by wearing yellow clothing items this can be achieved. This also works in a similar manner with food, by eating yellow items like lemons, bananas, pineapples, squash, turmeric, ginger, split peas, bell peppers, oats, rice, garbanzo beans, mango, guadalupe melons, pears, and corn you can naturally heal this chakra.
Overall, the solar plexus chakra is incredibly important in regards to our confidence, empowerment, and identity. This is why it is so important for us to keep this chakra balanced and stable rather than leaving it blocked or allowing it to become overactive or underactive.