
Chakra Series: Throat

Posted by Magickal Bear

Chakra Series: Throat

The throat chakra, also known as the vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the fifth chakra in our body's energy system. As you may have guessed from the name, it is located in the center of the throat. This chakra gives you the ability to express yourself verbally and nonverbally, generally representing self-expression, truth, creativity, authenticity, and it is typically viewed as a gateway to higher communication. It is symbolized by a sixteen petal lotus flower with a downward pointing triangle inside of a circle. The element most commonly associated with this chakra is the Ether, also known as space.

When this chakra is balanced you will be able to confidently speak your truth, and not faster than your mouth by aligning your thoughts, words, and actions. It exists as a bridge for the heart and mind, allowing you to properly articulate your thoughts in a confident, cohesive manner. You will also be able to talk more honestly with others, develop strong listening skills, have the courage to speak truthfully, set boundaries, have healthy interpersonal relationships, and express yourself through creativity and self-expression.

An imbalanced throat chakra can either be underactive or overactive. An underactive throat chakra can lead to having difficulty expressing yourself, shyness, fear, feeling unheard or ignored, suppressing emotions, or a lack of creativity. However, an overactive chakra could cause you to be an excessive talker, dominating conversations, talking harshly, gossiping, spreading misinformation, having difficulty listening, or speaking impulsively.

Crystals can be good tools to use to help balance your chakra. Aquamarine is good for promoting clear, calm communication, Blue Lace Agate is good for reducing stress, and tackling topics gently, Turquoise encourages speaking your truth and emotional healing, Lapis Lazuli inspires honesty, wisdom, and confidence, and finally Sodalite which enhances clarity, intuition, and communication. Some essential oils that are also good for this chakra include Chamomile that calms and soothes, Peppermint which stimulates clarity and focus, Eucalyptus which clears blockages, and Lavender which promotes relaxation and balanced speech.

Yoga and meditation are a few more methods of balancing this chakra. Some yoga poses include the Fish Pose or Matsyasana, Plow Pose or Halasana, Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana, and the Cat-Cow Pose or Marjaryasana-Bitilasana. To meditate on this chakra you can imagine a blue light coming out of the throat, imagine it is clearing out any blockages in the throat, allowing you to speak freely. You could also use affirmations to meditate on such as, “I speak my truth with clarity and confidence”, “I express myself freely and authentically”, My voice matters and i am heard”, “I listen to others with an open heart and mind”, and “I communicate with honesty and compassion.”

Some other activities that help balance this chakra include writing, singing, and painting. These are all activities that stimulate the crafty aspect of this chakra, aiding us in our journey to balance it. 

As you can see, it is important to nurture this energy center so that you can strengthen your connection with those around you, express yourself creatively, and maintain emotional and spiritual harmony. Whether through meditation, crystals, affirmations, or other creative outlets, balancing your throat chakra can unlock the power of your voice and empower you to live more authentically.

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