
Green Apatite

Posted by Magickal Bear

Green Apatite

Do you wish to expand your knowledge? Do you struggle when it comes time for relaxation? Or maybe you are looking for something to help you revitalize your energy? If so, Green Apatite would be the perfect stone for you!

Green Apatite is mostly associated with the heart, throat, and third eye chakras. The heart chakra, or Anahata, is typically known to be a green light that represents love and compassion. Then, the throat chakra, or the Vishuddha, is the fifth chakra which is visualized as a blue light and is known for helping people speak their truth and improve their communications. Finally, the third eye chakra, also called the Ajna, is the sixth chakra and is seen as a deep indigo light which is known for its perception and awareness.

This stone is also associated with the elements of water and earth. Water is commonly known for its cleansing and healing energies. Meanwhile, the Earth's energies are based on its strong grounding properties.

The stones that work the best with Green Apatite are Hematite, Tourmaline, and Lepidolite. Hematite is best known for its grounding properties, meaning it is a good earthy stone to pair with the Apatite. Tourmalines are also good stones to pair with this stone for similar reasons as the Hematite. Finally, Lepidolite is a good stone to pair with because it is known for aiding this stones balancing qualities.

Green Apatite is a calcium phosphate that typically has a blue-green color with a Mohs hardness score of 5. The chemical formula for this stone is Ca5(PO4)3F and has a hexagonal or trigonal crystal system. It generally has a clarity that ranges from transparent to translucent.

This gorgeous green stone is known for originating in Madagascar and Russia.


  • Knowledge
  • Relaxation
  • Revitalization

Metaphysical Stats:

  • Chakras: Heart, Throat, Third Eye 
  • Element: Water, Earth 
  • Crystal Pairings: Hematite, Tourmaline, Lepidolite

Science Stats: 

  • Type: Calcium Phosphate
  • Color: Blue-Green
  • Mohs Score: 5
  • Chemical Formula: Ca5(PO4)3F 
  • Crystal System: Hexagonal, Trigonal
  • Clarity: Transparent, Translucent
  • Origin: Madagascar, Russia

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