Shadow Work
Posted by Magickal Bear

In the physical world, shadows appear when rays of light are being blocked. However, this phenomenon can also be seen in the metaphysical world by taking a deeper look at the self. Carl Jung was a Psychoanalyst who developed the idea of the shadow-self. He believed that the shadow was the unconscious part of our mind that conflicted with our conscious mind.
The shadow is essentially the hidden or rejected parts of the self, this often happens because those parts of the self are viewed negatively by society. By hiding this part of the self, we are only causing harm to ourselves and potentially others. When the shadow is cast into hiding for too long, it starts to fester and grow until the person finally blows up. It’s like someone quickly flips a mental switch on, and then off. In other cases we tend to be harsher towards people who may show aspects of their shadow and then project our inner shadows onto them. The shadow is a very personal thing to the person in question, but some examples could include someone who always seems quiet and shy because the people in their lives tell them to never be loud and stand out. This leaves the person unable to be expressive of their feelings and unable to be their authentic and true selves, which in this case would be bright and bold compared to their quiet and shy exterior.
Now the question remains, how do we bring the shadow to light? A good first step when confronting the shadow is to reflect and look deep within the self. This allows us to look at our lives and experiences from a more analytical lens, which can help show where our shadow stems from. It is important while doing this to be gentle with the self as this process can be difficult from unearthing trauma and other forgotten wounds. If you feel as if you need more help than you can give yourself, it is completely valid and even recommended to seek out professional help to identify and work through these issues.
The next step would be to look at the self and look for possible patterns. This is important because by finding certain behavioral patterns that lead to outbursts we can identify things that trigger the shadow to come to light in a negative way. The goal here is to work on and heal these issues so the shadow can be brought to light in a positive way.
Now that the root of the shadow has been identified it is time to connect and accept the shadow. This is a process that will take time, but we can begin to heal the shadow by doing activities like drawing, painting, sculpting, or through any other forms of art. One could also practice mindfulness and meditation to connect with the subconscious mind. If you would need help with mindfulness or meditation, there are many guided meditations on online platforms such as YouTube for free. Another thing that could help one connect is by journaling and answering prompts, this can also be a very useful tool in discovering and finding your shadow.
There are also many tools and methods that one can use to aid themselves when trying to heal their shadow. Tools like tarot and oracle can be used to connect with the subconscious mind to give guidance. Dream work is also a unique way to gather insight about the psyche. When analyzed, one can see the fears and anxieties that lay under the surface deep into the subconscious mind. With dream work you can also see some of the self's internal conflicts and other desires shown through symbolism. Energy healing is another excellent way to connect and heal the shadow. This can include working with practices like Reiki or through healing the chakras.
Another effective way to heal your shadow is through rituals or ceremonies dedicated to healing and accepting the shadow self. An example of a good ceremony to help heal the shadow would be a Mirror Ceremony. This is where one is to approach a mirror and converse with the mirror self, treating it as the shadow. The goal is to talk honestly and openly with the self about the healing you are wishing to experience. You should speak with kindness and forgiveness towards the shadow. To end the ceremony, state that you are committed to the journey of healing the shadow self.
Adding to the theme of tools, there are also many crystals that one could use to aid themselves on this journey. Black Kyanite is a crystal that is incredible at removing blockages and things that no longer serve you in order to better aid the self. Black Obsidian is good for these situations as well because of its protective and grounding properties. Snowflake Obsidian is also good for its grounding and balancing properties. Next, Smokey Quartz is known for its positive and grounding energies. Then, Labradorite is another amazing crystal for shadow work because of how it aids in self discovery which includes the dark and locked away aspects of the shadow. Amethyst is a crystal that is mainly known for its peaceful and calming energies which is exactly what makes it the perfect stone when facing the shadow, something that often brings turmoil and heavy emotions to the surface. Apache Tears, like the other obsidians listed, are great for protection, grounding, learning, and growth. Hematite, similarly to Amethyst, is good for grounding heavy and chaotic emotions. And finally, we have Selenite, it is the perfect crystal to end any healing session with because of how it cleanses and rids one of any negative energies.
Just like you can use crystals to aid in the healing of the shadow you can also use herbs to help this process. If you are planning to ingest any of these herbs it is best to do your own research on all the possible ways that they could affect you, as we, Magickal Bear, are not responsible for any misuse, harm, or reactions that may come from using these herbs. This article is meant only to inform on the ways that these herbs have been used in the past in the case of aiding shadow work.
With that being said, herbs can be used in a few ways like in meals, tea, or simply by being burned. Mugwort is an herb that has many uses including affecting dreams. This could be of use if you are using dream work to aid in your shadow work journey. Rosemary is good for giving clarity of situations as well as being an herb of protection and purifying qualities. Lavender is essentially the Amethyst of the herb world, as it is known for its peaceful and calming energies that brings about a state of relaxation. Patchouli is another herb that is good for shadow work because of its grounding and stabilizing properties. Finally, we have our ultimate cleansing herb Sage. This is mainly used by being burned similarly to an incense or by smudging which is known as an Indigenous practice.