
Caribbean Calcite

Posted by Magickal Bear

Caribbean Calcite

Do you wish to develop your lucid dreaming abilities? Are you wanting to experience new beginnings in your life? Or maybe you want to help calm your emotions? If so, Caribbean Calcite would be the perfect stone for you!

This Calcite connects the most with the crown and third eye chakras. The crown chakra goes by the name Sahasrara which is the seventh chakra that is seen as a purple or violet light. Its purpose is to enlighten and deepen your spiritual connections, transform, and connect you to the divine. Then, the third eye chakra is called the Ajna which is the sixth chakra and is seen as a deep indigo light which is known for its perception and awareness.

Caribbean Calcite connects the most with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn. Taurus is the second astrological sign and is represented by a bull which can be seen through their hard work, determination, and stubbornness. Libra is the seventh sign and is represented by a balance or scale with their indecisiveness, charm, and diplomacy. Then, Capricorn is the tenth sign and is represented by a sea-goat who is known for their hard working, ambitious, and loyal nature.

Caribbean Calcite is very connected to the elements of Earth, Water, and Storm. The Earthly energies can be felt through the stones strong grounding properties. Water is commonly associated with cleansing and healing energies. Storm is then the embodiment of destruction and creation. The best way to describe this element is with the phrase “Out with the old, in with the new.” This is because of how it removes certain aspects of our lives that no longer serve us so that we can create something better.

The planets most associated with this type of Calcite are Earth and Venus. Earth tends to have grounding properties, which is a trait you will find commonly associated with all things Earth or nature. Venus is then known as a planet of love and beauty.

The crystals that pair well with Caribbean Calcite are Amethyst, Sodalite, and Turquoise. Amethyst is good for its ability to break habits, protect, and purify. Sodalite is also great to pair with because of its connection to the subconscious, intuition, and insight. Then finally, Turquoise is another great option as it is known for its communication, wholeness, and spiritual expansion.

Caribbean Calcite tends to have tones of blue, brown, and white with an opaque color. It generally has a Mohs Hardness Score between 3.5 and 5. The chemical formula for this stone is CaCO3. It is a Calcium Carbonate and it belongs to the rhombohedral crystal system.

Caribbean Calcite is typically only found in Pakistan.


  • New Beginnings
  • Calming
  • Lucid Dreaming

Metaphysical Stats:

  • Chakras: Crown, Third Eye
  • Zodiac: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn
  • Element: Earth, Water, Storm
  • Planet: Earth, Venus
  • Crystal Pairings: Amethyst, Sodalite, Turquoise

Science Stats: 

  • Type: Calcium Carbonate
  • Color: Blue, Brown, White
  • Mohs Score: 3.5-5
  • Chemical Formula: CaCO3
  • Crystal System: Rhombohedral
  • Clarity: Opaque
  • Origin: Pakistan

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