Goddess Series: Gaia The Earth Goddess
Posted by Magickal Bear

Continuing with our Goddess Series, we have the compassionate Goddess Gaia. In our shop we have an art print designed by our co-founder artist Tony Laidig, featuring this beloved Earth Goddess.
Gaia is the embodiment of several nurturing qualities: devotion, patience, and unconditional love. She embodies the fertile and nurturing aspects of the Earth and is generally associated with the abundance of nature, being responsible for the growth of plants, crops, and for providing sustenance for all living beings. Her presence can be invoked in rituals and offerings related to fertility, agriculture, and harvest. She was considered the very essence of life on Earth.
Since she is a very motherly figure, she cares for and watches over all of her creations. She is known to give stability, nourishment, and support. She is also the mother of many of the creatures depicted in Greek mythology as well as revered as being the ancestorial mother of Gods and humans. She is also believed to have a deep wisdom and insight. Because of this, some of her wisdom can be given through prophetic vision, as she is also associated with oracular powers.
Gaia also plays an important role in honoring the natural world. Her presence symbolizes the connectedness of all living things, highlighting the importance of maintaining balance and harmony with the natural world. She also reminds us to take care of our environment to preserve our world, keeping it happy and healthy. To honor her we must honor the world and its resources by acknowledging all it gives.
There are many myths that involve Gaia and show her power. Gaia’s story began with her emerging from the primordial state of the universe, referred to as Chaos. During the Overthrow of Uranus she conspires with her Titan children and gives them a sickle to overthrow Uranus, who had become a tyrant. This leaves the Titans in charge with Cronos on the throne. This then leads into Titanomachy where the Gods are fighting the Titans for the throne. Gaia supports the Titans during this war and encourages it, although they lose and are banished to Tartarus. In another myth Gaia assists in the Birth of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. Gaia does this by forming the flower narcissus. This captivates Zeus and Gaia makes him fall for the Titaness Dione, which leads to the birth of Aphrodite. Gaia also plays a role in the myth of Python and Delphi. In this myth Apollo is seeking revenge against Python, one of Gaia's children. Gaia provides Apollo a bow and arrow to kill Python, which he does successfully. Apollo then establishes his Oracle Delphi on Gaia's sacred ground.
Gaia is truly one of the most ancient and powerful forces in the world with her power and influence being renowned throughout human history.