

Posted by Magickal Bear


Do you struggle to find the strength to face certain situations? Or are you looking to bring vitality into your life? Or maybe it's balance that you’re looking for? If so, Marcasite would be the perfect stone for you!

Marcasite connects the most with the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. The solar plexus chakra goes by the name Manipura and is typically known to be a yellow light which represents energy, confidence, and identity. The sacral chakra is known as the Svadhisthana which is seen as an orange light that represents creativity, manifestation, and confidence. Finally, the root chakra is called Muladhara and is represented by a red light and is known mainly for providing stability.

Taurus and Leo are the zodiac signs that are most commonly associated with Marcasite. Taurus is the second zodiac sign represented by the bull who is known for their determined, hardworking, and stubborn nature. Leo is the fifth zodiac sign which is represented by the lion who is known for its strength, confidence, and ambition.

Marcasite connects the most with the element of Storm. This element is the embodiment of destruction and creation. The best way to describe this element is with the phrase “Out with the old, in with the new.” This is because of how it removes certain aspects of our lives that no longer serve us so that we can create something better.

The planets associated with Marcasite are Mercury, Venus, and the Moon. Mercury is a planet known to be associated with intelligence and understanding. Venus is known as the planet of love and beauty. And finally, the Moon is generally seen as a symbol of femininity that represents the passage of time, eternity, and enlightenment.

The crystals that pair well with Marcasite are Onyx, Jet, and Spinel. Onyx is a great choice because it helps with willpower, strength, discipline, and removing negative energies. Jet is also a good choice because of its protection, purification, and grounding properties. Then Spinel is another great choice because it is known for its revitalization, inspiration, and hope.

Marcasite tends to have tones of brass, yellow, and silver with an opaque color. It generally has a Mohs Hardness Score of between 6 and 6.5. This makes Marcasite a relatively durable stone and an excellent choice for jewelry. The chemical formula for this stone is FeS2 and is a chalcedony, which is a cryptocrystalline silica. Oftentimes this crystal type has quartz and morganite inclusions scattered throughout. Marcasite also belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system.

Marcasite is typically found in parts of France, UK, Brazil, and the USA.


  • Vitality
  • Balance
  • Strength

Metaphysical Stats:

  • Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root
  • Zodiac: Taurus, Leo
  • Element: Storm
  • Planet: Mercury, Venus, Moon
  • Crystal Pairings: Onyx, Jet, Spinel

Science Stats: 

  • Type: Chalcedony
  • Color: Brass, Yellow, Silver
  • Mohs Score: 6-6.5
  • Chemical Formula: FeS2
  • Crystal System: Orthorhombic
  • Clarity: Opaque
  • Origin: France, UK, Brazil, USA

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